Friday 14 April 2023

FFS Friday - Cool cool cool

Hello beautiful people. How are you? I hope you are doing well. 
We've just finished the first week of the school holidays. It's been okay. Eljay still refuses to stop breathing so Chai is still upset, but we've managed to keep things relatively calm so far. 

I'm getting a few things done which is good. I cleaned up my room a bit, put my washing away (it'd been sitting there for three weeks) and finally put in Chai's Companion Card application. I've been meaning to do that for months but never got around to getting the photos taken. It's nice to have that off my list. 
Thanks to the public holidays I've also done a fair bit of relaxing which has been lovely. I watched Wellmania and loved it. I hope they do a second season. Also, I really want Olivia's bag. It was custom made for the show so I can't get one, but if you know where I can get a similar one please let me know. If I was crafty I'd make it myself but I'm not that clever. 

I'd love to be one of those people who can quickly whip something up on the sewing machine. I've wanted a machine for years, I'm sure that when I get one I'll magically turn into a sewing wizard. I'm sure I remember the basics from my home economics classes in high school.

Last night I read an article about quiet quitting and I've realised that's what I've been doing at home for years now. I've stopped doing everything for everyone and only do the bare minimum. See, I'm ahead of the trend, I've been doing it for ages! Heh.

That's all I've got today folks. Have a wonderful weekend.

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