Friday 23 June 2023

FFS Friday - Wine

Hello beautiful people! How are you all? Have you had a good week?
Our week has been okay, not awful and not wonderful. Chai was doing really well with his anxiety until something happened at school. It was totally preventable and shouldn't have happened. It pushed him back and now his anxiety has kicked up again. 
The good news is that Tiger wasn't working at the time so was available to pick him up and we've managed to get an appointment with the mental health service. They have a really bad reputation but I'm hoping through them we'll be able to see a psychiatrist. I'm sending Tiger in so hopefully he'll be able to sort it out. I'm also trying to get him into other psychiatrists, not putting my eggs into one basket as we all know it's nearly impossible to see any paediatric health professionals in WA at the moment. 

One week until school holidays start. I'm equally looking forward to them and dreading them. I'm looking forward to not having to race around, I'm not looking forward to having to keep the kids entertained in cold, wet weather. 
Next term is going to be crazy. I'm working a lot. It'll be a crazy 10 weeks but we'll get through it. Lucky I love my job.
I know I have things to complain about, however I can't think of them at the moment. I'm not doing a very good job of complaining and this post is supposed to be all about complaining.
Ohhh I remember now. So, last weekend was my birthday. I didn't want to do much so we just had a lunch with immediate family and my bff....and one of Tiger's friends. Yep. He invited one of his friends because "she's having a hard time at the moment". I was not impressed. I've met her a few times but don't really know her and she's definitely not someone I would call close family. She spent a lot of the time talking about the hard time she's going through. Whilst I feel sympathy for what she's going through, it was just awkward and uncomfortable for all of us. 

That's my whinge for the week.

Have a wonderful weekend beautiful people.

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