Tuesday 12 February 2019

My latest Adore Beauty order

Whilst I'm not on a no-buy or low buy this year I am being more mindful of my purchases and not buying things that I don't need. 

Last month Adore Beauty had an offer where you could get a gift pack with your purchase so I stocked up on a few essentials. 

I ordered the Wrinkles Schminkles Chest Smoothing Kit, Skinstitut Vitamin C powder and Even Blend Serum.

They're all essential in my routine. If you have chinkles (chest wrinkles), give Wrinkles Schminkles a go. On nights where I use the chest pad I don't wake up with chinkles, when I don't use it, I have chinkles. 

Skinstitut Even Blend Serum and Vitamin C powder work beautifully together. I've tried using them alone but they don't work as well. Together they are magic and make a noticeable difference to my dark patches.

The gift pack I received contains a Jane Iredale lip balm, Esteee Lauder Advanced Night Repair, Clarins Multi-Active night cream and Clinique Moisture Surge overnight mask. 

There was a tim tam but I gobbled it up straight away, before the boys could steal it.  

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