Friday 16 June 2023

FFS Friday - Trundling

Hello beautiful people. How are you all? What's been happening?
I have nothing exciting to report. Things have been trundling along as usual. One step forward, two steps backwards as per usual.

Chai's anxiety is starting to ease a little which is great. It's been a tough few weeks for him. I'm trying to get him help but as anyone else who's trying to get help for their kids knows, it's almost impossible at the moment. I'm not holding out much hope that we'll get anywhere. I've got Tiger to try to sort it out. In my experience he gets much better results than I do. Professionals are more willing to listen to the Dad instead of the Mum which is ridiculous as usually the Mum has more of an idea what's going on. If that's what we have to do to get help then we'll do it. Fingers crossed we get somewhere.

It's my birthday this weekend. I'm planning on having a family lunch and spending some time with my bff. Nice and quiet, just how I like it. 

That's all I've got for today. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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