Thursday 19 March 2009

Kreativ Tag

I interrupt the YSL reviews to announce that I've been tagged by the lovely Winterblossom! I love reading all the tag posts, so it's always exciting when I get tagged.

Here's how it works: "List 7 things that you love, and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you love! Be sure to tag them and let them know that they have won. You can copy the picture of the award and paste it on your sideboard letting the whole world are Kreativ" (I copied this bit from Lazula80 cos it explains it all wonderfully)
As you can see, I copied this from Winterblossom who copied it for Lazula80, hehe.

Obviously I can't tag Winterblossom again, even though I think she's great.

So here are my lists...

7 things that I love:
1. Friends and family (including TF, of course)
2. Music. I can't imagine a world without music.
3. Love hearts and stars
4. Lip balm. It's my obsession, and hunting for new lip balms to try keeps me amused.
5. Books. I read all the time, I'd hate not to have books to read, I wouldn't know what to do if I couldn't read.
6. Chocolate, the world would not be a nice place if I couldn't have chocolate.
7. Make-up and skincare, but you knew that already.

7 bloggers that I love:
The Mean Green Beauty Machine
Pastel19 (aka Laura)
Faith Abigail

Alice, I originally had you on this list, but I took you off because I tagged you a few weeks ago, but this list really isn't complete without you on it.


  1. yey. Im so glad you did this tag. Thanks for giving me a mention. I totally forgot about books. Unfortunately I don't get to read them much except for the academic kind and those don't really count. lol xxx

  2. I panic if I find myself out somewhere with a book. I have several in my drawer at work, a bunch of them on my dresser and always at least one in my bag.


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